
Everyone has a story silver spring
Everyone has a story silver spring

everyone has a story silver spring

United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukehsa County blog and social media presence is designed as a source for information, sharing and collaboration about United Way and health and human service related topics. Learn more about Ex Fabula, including when and where you can attend a StorySlam event and share your own story. Silver Spring Neighborhood Center is one of many organizations participating in United Way’s 2017 Season of Caring! Visit to browse available volunteer projects across the community. Read more about United Way’s partnership with Silver Spring Neighborhood Center or contact them to schedule a tour! We chat with Tom about Tristan, a little boy in Silver Spring’s Elaine Schreiber Early Childhood Development center who has made quite an impression, and how Silver Spring approaches early childhood education in a neighborhood with tremendous need. When he was back in his local community, Tom began volunteering in Milwaukee, which led him to board membership at Silver Spring, then the Executive Director position when it opened up.

everyone has a story silver spring everyone has a story silver spring

Five years earlier, Tom had retired from a decades-long career in banking and had spent his short retirement taking walking trips around the world.

#Everyone has a story silver spring plus#

Since 1958, Silver Spring has served Westlawn’s 7,000 plus residents, many of whom face challenges like poverty and unemployment, by offering programs for everyone no matter the age.Ībout a year and a half ago, Tom Ellis took the position of Executive Director at Silver Spring. Silver Spring Neighborhood Center, a United Way program partner, is located in the neighborhood of Westlawn on Milwaukee’s Northwest side.

  • Safe & Stable Homes: Ending Family Homelessness.
  • Reducing Barriers to Employment & Advancement.

  • Everyone has a story silver spring